Summer Pricing On Website Success ESSENTIALS
$995  $499 Summer Savings

Your Path to a Better Website Starts Here…
Get The Website You Need Without Special Skills or Overwhelm

Say goodbye to frustration and hello to successful online marketing mastery!

successful website course

Build a website that is more
profitable and easier to manage.

Content That Converts +
The Right Audience =
Website $uccess!

This requires a complete understanding of who your Target Personas are and what they want. (Not what you think they need.)

As a busy website owner or manager, keeping up with the relentless pace of content creation and online marketing can feel like running on a never-ending treadmill.

But what if you could effortlessly stay ahead of the curve and consistently deliver winning results without breaking a sweat? 

You could spend endless hours watching YouTube videos, tuning into podcasts, and reading articles. But let's face it… is that the best use of your precious time? Or you could drop thousands of dollars on annual conferences, only to find yourself playing catch-up with the ever-changing industry once the event is over. What if there was a better way to achieve marketing excellence?

Do This Instead: Identify your dream audience, so you can create an offer that converts
and then expose them to your product or service.

Introducing Website Success ESSENTIALS!

What You'll Learn Inside This Course

How to set website goals
website content that converts
website traffic
Setting Goals And Finding
Qualified Prospects

Creating Content That Converts Visitors To Buyers

Getting Buyers To Your Site Who View You As The Top Choice

Website Success ESSENTIALS is a 5-Module Course with focus on 3 keys:
Defining Goals & Strategy. Creating Content That Converts and Generating Website Traffic

The three primary keys to Website Success!

website tech
email training

Two other modules focus on Website Tech (Hosting, Ecommerce, Site Security, WordPress etc) and Email Marketing.

website success course


Kurt always delivers the highest quality work. He’s definitely one of the good guys! Highly recommended!

Felicia S.

/Motivational Speaker


Kurt has an amazing ability to help bloggers and entrepreneurs bring clarity, focus and vision to whatever they are doing; online marketing, content creation and over all business practice. 

Kevin D.

/IT Manager


 Kurt is a pro's pro, and this course is amazing! He breaks things down in easy to digest lessons that reduce overwhelm.

Dale T

/Self Employed

Who, specifically is this course for?

Website Success ESSENTIALS is designed to help you create, market and maintain a successful website with no special technical experience or expertise. Perfect for...

  • Small Businesses
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Corporations
  • Bloggers
  • Employees Tasked With New Responsibilities
  • Local Businesses
  • Solopreneurs
  • Affiliate Marketers
  • Freelancers
  • Non-Profits

Who should NOT buy this course?

#1 This is not a get rich quick offer. If you're looking to make a quick buck, this course is not for you. This course is focused on building a high quality website or blog that will attract your visitor's attention and create legitimate desire for your offers. All marketing activity should link back to your website.

#2 Like anything worth having, it takes time and effort to achieve success. If you're not willing to accept new ideas or do the work, enrolling in this course is a waste of your time and ours.

All the information you need without the fluff.

You can start by setting goals and creating your strategy, or skip around as needed.

Improve your content, improve your conversions! Discover how to create more effective messaging and use images or videos to help your client through the Customer Journey and make the sale.

Get your content in front of the right people! There are dozens of ways to attract an audience to a website or blog. It's more profitable to attract The Right Audience to your offers.

Remember: Content That Converts + The Right Audience = Website $uccess!

Module 1
Setting Goals, Defining Target Personas & Creating Strategy

website design & usability
  • What will be the 'JOB' of the website? This is a core part of your strategy that is often overlooked.
  • What are the goals? Without goals, how will you evaluate your success?
  • Who are we selling to and why should they buy from us? What are their provocations? Target personas define what solutions your ideal customer is looking for and then being able to position our product/service favorably.
  • What types of content do we need to create for them? That depends on your prospect and where they are in your sales cycle. There are about 15 different types of content that can be matched to your prospect's preferences. We show you how to efficiently repurpose a single piece of content multiple ways.
  • Where can we engage them? Listening to your market (Market Research) gives you insights that save your time and money. (Cost of Acquisition) Learn what's bothering them, what their experience is, what lingo they use is ESSENTIAL for developing a competitive edge.
  • Where can we market to them? Where will you drop your bait? Organic and paid traffic needs to be focused on qualified leads. You can go broke targeting the wrong audiences.
  • What resources do we have? What resources to we need? Do we have what it takes? Who is responsible for what?

Module 2
The Technical Foundation of Successful Websites

best website hosting
  • Website Hosting: There are advantages to having a quality hosting vendor. Reliability, support and security are nothing to fool around with. Hosting doesn't have to be expensive - it has to be good. We'll show you how to find a quality home for your website.
  • Google Analytics: If you don't know your numbers, you don't know your business. Google Analytics shows you how much traffic you're getting and to what pages. Get a sense of how your visitors are resonating with your site content. You'll learn from 'loyalty KPIs' and be able to evaluate the success of of your online activities.
  • Website Security: It is ESSENTIAL that you protect yourself from hackers - and they are out there! It can be REALLY expensive and time-consuming to revive a hacked website. Great security is not difficult and we'll show you how to bulletproof your website and discourage the bad guys.

    Website Security also means being able to recover from the inevitable situations that come with working online. We show you how to save time and $$ when the $#!* hits the fan.
  • User Experience (UX): Good UX results in higher conversions. The design, layout and functionality of your site is important to achieving your goals. UX is affected by the paths we set up for site visitors to take thru the website. This is key component that is often overlooked by website owners and managers.
  • WordPress: As of 2022, WordPress powers 43% of all websites on the Internet. (W3Techs) We'll show you how to select a theme, get WordPress installed and manage it effectively.
  • Ecommerce: The ability to accept online payments is a common component of Website Success; whether you're selling simple items, taking donations or invoicing your customers, it's important that those transactions are reliable and secure. We'll introduce you to basic Ecommerce.
  • Site Speed: Google has emphasized 'the need for speed' for several years, especially for mobile devices and is a significant Ranking Factor. Learn how to evaluate your site's page loading times for free and find out what you need  to make it load faster.
  • Domains: Your address online. What makes a good domain name? What to avoid?

Module 3
Content That Converts

website copywriting content
  • Copywriting: The core of Content That Converts. There is a reason why copywriters are highly paid - they convince prospects to buy. Learn why it's important to "chunk" your online copy. Learn more about...
  • The Importance of Headlines: Famed copywriter David Ogilvy claimed that the headline of your content was 80% of the challenge. Learn what makes a great headline and how to test them!
  • Power Words: Power Words (and Influential Words) appeal to people's emotions, which can improve conversion significantly. We'll show you how to use them and give you a swipe file of words to improve your copy.
  • Writing Patterns: There are standard templates that help make content creation easier and more effective. Learn how to use them for immediate benefit.
  • Images: A picture is worth a thousand words! We'll show you how to select images - many royalty-free. Learn the importance of image formats.
  • The Importance of Video: About 80% of Internet traffic is video. Video is a popular & effective form of content and it doesn't have to be network quality. In most cases you can use a cell phone! We'll show you how to create it, whether you want to be on-camera or not.
  • Repurposing Your Content: Save time and money, while giving your audience options for consuming your content. Learn how to turn a blog post or article into a dozen other forms of content.

Module 4
Traffic That Converts

getting traffic to your website
  • Organic Traffic: Free search engine traffic can be a beautiful thing, IF you can get it. (It's getting harder) It can also take a while to create enough content that the search engines will value you and your website as experienced operators with sufficient expertise and trustworthiness.
  • Search Engine Optimization: SEO can be a big driver of organic traffic and we'll teach you how to optimize your content for search, but another element of SEO is keyword research, including evaluating what your competitors are optimizing and ranking for. Keyword research helps you determine what provocations your audience has so you can create content that will appeal to them.
  • Paid Ads: The quickest way to get traffic to a website is to buy the traffic. It can also be very targeted. In this course, we will introduce you to Facebook ads.
  • Audience Retargeting: You can run ads to people who have visited your website, but didn't buy your offer. It all begins with setting a cookie when someone lands on different pages and compared with pages they did not visit. For instance, a visitor who lands on a product page, but does not land on a 'confirming your purchase' page, indicates the sale was abandoned. You can run ads to those visitors encouraging them to come back.

Module 5
Email Marketing

  • Most Cost-Effective Way to Market Your Business: Email marketing has the largest average ROI of any marketing technique; 4,200% On average, you get back $42 for every $1 spend on Email Marketing. That's why large retailers build and segment lists on a daily basis."The money is in the list!"
  • Broadcast Emails vs. Autoresponders: You can send emails to your lists any time and they can be filtered by characteristics, such as buyers or where they came from. You can also set up a series of emails that begin being sent once someone joins your list. These automated emails can also be set to change based on activity - a sales automation may end when something is purchased, which may also trigger ab automation supporting the sale.
  • How to Use Lead Magnets to Build Your List: Most people will not sign up to your email unless you offer them something of value that is related to what's being discussed on a page or blog post. Checklists, software, videos or white papers are examples of lead magnets.
  • How to Tag Your Subscribers So You Can Personalize Your Messages: As referenced above, you can tag email subscribers based on activity or other characteristics. For instance, you might want to send an email to subscribers who came to you from a Facebook ad, but never bought the product. You can then customize an off directly to them.
  • Selecting an Email Service Provider: We'll teach you how to select an Email Service Provider that fits your needs. Considerations, such as capabilities and price will be important factors in your decision.

Website Success ESSENTIALS makes it easy!

"Overcomplicated sometimes bites you in the ass." Freddy Dodge from Gold Rush. 

website development training

Train Your Team
A trained team is an effective and more efficient team. Delegate what needs to get done so you have more time to do what you do best.

Learn At Your Own Pace
Start with the first module and work your way through Module 5, OR zero in on what's important to get done TODAY!

learn at your own pace
website success essentials course

Frequently Asked Questions

What problems will Website Success ESSENTIALS help me overcome? Most website owners and managers wear several hats and struggle to stay current on their websites - they're busy with a ton of other responsibilities. It's not uncommon to find websites that haven't been updated in years!

Many website owners say they're marketing to everyone, savvy marketers will tell you...

"If you're marketing to everyone, you're marketing to no one."

That's why it's critical to know as much as possible about your prospects; what is the ONE PROBLEM your IDEAL CUSTOMER has and why you are the SOLUTION?

Is this a copywriting course? Creating content that converts is one of the keys to a successful website, so we include a whole module of lessons on creating text content using a variety of professional writing patterns and format tips. When someone lands on your page, they will decide within 6-8 SECONDS whether or not you might be the solution they are looking for.

We discuss the difference between blog posts and web pages. We discuss key elements for standard pages, including Home, About, Contact and Product/Service pages.

Copywriting is also used in scripting audios and videos, which are very effective online media. One of the most important forms of copywriting is the headline, so we teach why you should write a dozen or more headlines before selecting one. Another lesson shows you how to evaluate your headlines for maximum effect.

Is this a Search Engine Optimization course? Getting organic (and paid) traffic to your website or blog is critical to your website's success. Our organic traffic module includes how to find the right keywords for your pages and blog posts, so that you will create content that is of interest to your prospects while helping you be found in the Search Engines.

We discuss how to evaluate your competitor's content strength and weaknesses. We include links to many tools, which are mostly free, to give you insights into what your competitors are doing.

What hosting platforms will this work on? Our lessons will help you improve your performance regardless of whether you're using WordPress, Joomla, Wix, Squarespace and others on web hosts from GoDaddy to HostGator to LiquidWeb and Blue Host. WordPress has the largest share of the market, so some of our materials relate to WordPress, but will also help non-WordPress users.

How many videos are included in Website Success ESSENTIALS? As of now, there are 49 videos in 5 modules totaling 18 hours and 15 minutes. We add new material, as needed, and have some in the hopper to add soon.

What bonuses are included in the course? We have a 14-day Traffic Challenge included in Website Success ESSENTIALS. We have some downloads you'll appreciate, including several lists of "power words" you can use when writing copy. We also have two additional modules on the technical aspect of website, including information on the tech you need to sell online, set up WordPress and engage your audience. And a whole module on building your email list!

Does this course come with email or call support? The course is designed to be self-guided and allows you to work at your own pace. We do not provide 1:1 support via email or phone, but you can join our private Facebook community to ask questions and share ideas with members of the community.

Do you have a moneyback guarantee? Yes. You have 7 days to investigate the course. If it's just not right for you, let us know and receive an immediate full refund.

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Purchase Website Success ESSENTIALS using the link below. Within minutes of your payment being received, you will get emails with login information and links to our support staff, if needed.

You have a 7-Day No Questions Asked Satisfaction Guarantee!

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Website Success Coach & Mentor

website success course instructor

I am the creator of Website Success ESSENTIALS. I have 25 years of experience building and marketing websites, both large and small, including sites in the manufacturing, hospitality, professional services, ecommerce, municipal, public speaking and non-profit segments.

For most of my career, I have focused on developing successful, customized online strategies using a simple approach that includes having a complete understanding of who your best prospects are and what they want, so you can create compelling offers and show them to qualified audiences.

Create an offer that converts + expose those offers to qualified leads
= Website Success!

I have found that focusing on these two simple objectives alone can significantly improve the performance of your website.

I have taught these methods to hundreds of individuals who are members of business organizations (Chambers of Commerce, SBDC, Meetup, S.C.O.R.E.), conference attendees and at the college level: College of DuPage, North Central College and Kishwaukee College.

I began mentoring Chamber of Commerce Members and was once featured on the cover of Mentor's Magazine.

kurt scholle training

I invest in my own education every year, studying from the great copywriters, marketers and online strategists from around the world. This helps me understand and distill complex issues that can easily be understood by all participants.